Leibniz Research Centre FZ:GEO Research Research projects
Past and present human impact on Kobresia pygmaea ecosystems as deduced from soil organic matter studies. DFG SPP 1372 Tibetan Plateau: Formation - Climate - Ecosystems

Past and present human impact on Kobresia pygmaea ecosystems as deduced from soil organic matter studies. DFG SPP 1372 Tibetan Plateau: Formation - Climate - Ecosystems

Led by:  Prof. Dr. Georg Guggenberger und Prof. Dr. Yakov Kuzyakov (Universität Göttingen)
Year:  2009
Duration:  2009 - 2014
Is Finished:  yes

Beteiligte Institutionen der FI:GEO:

Kobresia pastures represent the worlds largest alpine ecosystem. There is a debate if the development of the Kobresia biome is climate-driven or if it represents a human induced pastoral pseudoclimax replacing taller grassland and forest. Present sedentarisation programs lead to pronounced overgrazing and land degradation. Consequences of climate change/land-use change interactions may be liberation of soil-borne CO2 to the atmosphere, though field data are insufficient for a process-based and quantitative understanding. The goal of the project is to increase the knowledge about the Holocene and present development of the Kobresia pygmaea pastoral ecosystem by employing soil and soil organic matter studies of different spatial and temporal scales. For the reconstruction of the vegetation and land use history, soil geoarchives from the Kobresia biome will be assessed by means of geomorphic and organic soil biomarker studies. Soil organic carbon storage depending on grazing management will be analyzed in an exclosure network along altitutidinal and latitutidinal gradients. Process studies on carbon fluxes in the plant-soil-atmosphere system will be performed by 13C pulse-labeling experiments at the Kema field station. The tight project integration into the "Kobresia cluster" is a prerequisite for a more unbiased reconstruction of the Holocene climate and vegetation evolution and a more reliable parameterization of models analyzing recent energy and matter fluxes.

Weitere Informationen befinden sich auf der Webseite TiP - DFG SPP 1372 Tibetan Plateau: Formation - Climate - Ecosystems.