Erster FZ:GEO Hackathon

26./27.03. - Hackathon: Hack the Rock

Geoscientific data are heterogeneous and rich data sources. Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques have a huge potential for their interpretation.

On 26th of March we will meet in the Laboratory of IKG and explore two datasets. The first dataset consists of downhole logs from a sea bottom drill project. The second dataset contains raster data from electron microscopy of minerals. The goals are to develop novel approaches in the context of stratigraphic sequences and residence/eruption time estimation. If you want to participate, please register under, this event is open to all scientists interested in machine learning.


26.03., from 10:00 am

27.03., 02:00 pm - presentation of results

Venue: Computer lab of the IKG (6th floor), Appelstraße 9a (building number 3408)